Squint Surgery FAQs

Answers to Your Questions

Squint surgery, also known as strabismus surgery, addresses misaligned eyes, improving both aesthetics and vision. If you’re considering this procedure, understanding the details is crucial. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

What is squint (strabismus)?

Squint refers to a condition where the eyes don’t line up properly, causing them to look in different directions (crossed eyes, wandering eyes). This can occur due to muscle imbalances or neurological issues.

Do I need squint surgery?

Not everyone with squint needs surgery. Factors like type and severity of squint, age, and potential impact on vision and depth perception influence the decision. Your eye doctor will evaluate your case and recommend the best course of action.

What are the different types of squint surgery?

Various surgical techniques address different types of squint. Common approaches include:

  • Recession: Lengthens a muscle to weaken its pull, shifting the eye inward.
  • Resection: Shortens a muscle to strengthen its pull, moving the eye outward.
  • Adjustable suture surgery: Allows fine-tuning of eye alignment post-surgery.

Your doctor will determine the most suitable technique based on your specific needs.

Is the surgery painful?

No. You’ll usually receive anesthesia, making the procedure painless. You might feel some pressure or discomfort during the surgery, but not pain.

What happens after surgery?

You’ll likely go home soon after the procedure, with initial blurry vision as eyes adjust. Gradual improvement typically occurs over weeks. Following your doctor’s instructions on eye drops, activity restrictions, and post-operative care is crucial.

What are the risks and complications?

While generally safe, potential risks include infection, bleeding, swelling, and double vision. Most are temporary and manageable, but discussing them with your doctor beforehand is essential.

How long does the recovery take?

Recovery varies depending on the individual and procedure type. It can take weeks to months for vision to stabilize and full recovery to occur. Regular follow-up appointments with your doctor are essential to monitor progress and address any concerns.

Will I need this surgery again?

In most cases, squint surgery offers a permanent solution. However, sometimes additional procedures might be necessary, especially in complex cases or if muscle imbalances reoccur.

How much does the surgery cost?

Costs vary based on factors like surgeon fees, facility charges, and anesthesia type. Insurance may cover some or all of the procedure. Discuss cost and payment options with your doctor and insurance provider.


This information serves as a general overview and shouldn’t substitute professional medical advice. Always consult your eye doctor for personalized guidance and to discuss your specific concerns and suitability for squint surgery. They can provide detailed explanations and tailored answers to your unique situation.